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Students United Budget

Students United Budget 


Students United’s Board of Directors sets the annual budget. Each year, students are asked to provide budget feedback to help the board pass a budget that reflects the values and priorities of students.


If you would like to provide feedback on the next Students United budget, please fill out the survey below




Budget Breakdown 
  • Student Advocacy 

  • Student Leadership 

  • Student Organizing 

  • Operations 

  • Fundraising 


Students United’s revenue includes student fee revenue, individual giving, and earned income from partnership agreements. In FY24 (July 2023-June 2024,) revenue will come from student fees, increased individual giving, and our sights set on grants from local and national funders.

Student fee revenue at the end of FY23 is projected to drop by 4.5% from the end of FY22 due to decreasing student enrollment rates at Minnesota State Universities. As revenue drops, we continue to look for ways to compensate for the gap. Fundraising will continue to grow in FY24. In previous years, fundraising has been focused on scholarships and is now shifting to focus on programs. Students United has three strategies: individual donors, grants, and sponsorships. 


  • Individual Donors are solicited by the Community Outreach and Fundraising Coordinator and the Executive Director. An annual solicitation letter is also sent to alumni. These donations are meant to support our advocacy work.  

  • Grants are researched and applied for on an ongoing basis. The focus of grants is to support the Student Leadership Program and core mission work. 

  • Sponsorships and Partnerships work with organizations mutually beneficial to all organizations involved. Partnerships in these areas focus on core mission work and the Advocacy Conference.


In FY24, we plan to continue to expand individualized giving, grants, and sponsorships/partnerships.

Upward Curve
How do we get to a draft budget?

The draft budget is carefully designed after five years of feedback from students, alumni, and partners. Feedback was collected from the student-led governing board, delegates town hall feedback, conference, and campus engagement surveys. Clear feedback was given that students want the organization to focus on advocacy. This feedback is reflected in the Advocacy Program, which is now the top-funded program. The feedback from the survey above will help aid the FY24 budget. 

How do we get to a draft budget?

The draft budget is carefully designed after five years of feedback from students, alumni, and partners. Feedback was collected from the student-led governing board, delegates town hall feedback, conference, and campus engagement surveys. Clear feedback was given that students want the organization to focus on advocacy. This feedback is reflected in the Advocacy Program, which is now the top-funded program. The feedback from the survey above will help aid the FY24 budget. 

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