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  • Lexi Byler

Farewell, Lexi!

 I’ve procrastinated writing this blog for two reasons:

  1. I knew the reality of leaving would sink in if I wrote it.

  2. My history with Students United is so long and rewarding, I wasn’t quite sure where to begin.

So, how do I summarize my time with an organization that has given so much to me? My journey with Students United started back when we went by ‘Minnesota State Universities Student Association’ or MSUSA. I was asked to be a delegate and the rest is truly history. I became a Diversity Specialist for our campus committee the following year, which led me to run to be vice chair the year after that. I had an incredible time as an officer and I’m proud of the work our board accomplished during my term. You can read more about that in my vice chair exit blog. The experience I gained was invaluable and it opened the door for my first full-time job, being a staff assistant and intern coordinator for U.S. Senator Tina Smith – which is where my next adventure will be, being her State Communications Director in Minnesota!  

This new job opportunity came as a surprise and I’m incredibly grateful to return to a team I learned so much from and had a lot of fun working with. There are countless memories I have from my previous time there and was given the support and creative freedom necessary to grow as a professional. Without that experience, I wouldn’t have been qualified to work at Students United. Similarly, without the experience I’ve gained as the Director of Communications here, I would not have been qualified to return to the Senator’s office in this capacity. I’m not a particularly serendipitously minded person, but the story of my career so far makes me have some belief in everything happening for a reason.   

One exciting reunion on the horizon brings one difficult goodbye to a team I’ve loved working with for the last 2+ years. As a communications professional, I’ve always wanted to pair the type of work I love to do with something I care about. I feel exceptionally lucky to have had a career so far where that has been true. When I summarized my job to friends and family, in short, I would tell them it’s my job to uplift student voices, stories, and perspectives. The mission of advocating for higher education policies that will make a positive impact on our campuses and communities is something I care deeply about, both as an alumna and as a human.

For those who are unfamiliar, our work is about more than advocating for lower tuition, free college, or student debt forgiveness. We’ve been fighting for access to basic needs, like safe and affordable housing, healthy and affordable groceries, and access to reliable internet and technology. We work to support, uplift and advocate for international students, and Black, Indigenous, and other students of color. We organized a list of demands from the Minnesota State system office and built a comprehensive Black Lives Matter resource page following the murder of George Floyd. We had extensive GOTV and census digital outreach campaigns to ensure students were included at the ballot box and in the decennial count – which helped lead Minnesota to retain all its Congressional seats by the narrow margin of 26 people. And ever since the pandemic began, we’ve fought for the literal lives of our students. The work I’ve been part of has been challenging at times but has also been rewarding in both tangible and unmeasurable ways.

Students United consists of a small team of 10 employees. They’re an elite team of hard-working, passionate professionals that I’m proud to have worked alongside. I’ve learned so much from each of them and I’m thankful for the collaboration and support they’ve offered me during my time here. The way we came together during the pandemic despite all the challenges and barriers that were placed before us, will always be remembered as a special memory in my career. It helped instill confidence in me to be resilient no matter how dire the situation is. It also reiterated the importance of leaning on your team members when needed. I will miss all of them but look forward to being a volunteer at their events whenever I’m available and will certainly be staying in touch as former colleagues and friends.

The students I’ve had the privilege of working alongside of have been a source of energy and motivation for me. They make me feel connected to our work and kept me going in times of stress. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to be a student during the pandemic, let alone be a student leader who is representing the thousands of students within the Minnesota State system. I’m excited to see what this year’s board does throughout the rest of the year and look forward to following the work of future students.

It was Students United who first brought Tina Smith and me together. When she was lieutenant governor, she spoke at one of our conferences when I was a student. There’s a photo of us sitting opposite of one another and what I love about it so much, is that she didn’t know she would be a U.S. Senator one day and I wouldn’t have ever guessed I’d have the opportunity to work alongside her. I admire the path that led her to where she is today and look forward to reuniting with her and her team to serve people across Minnesota.

It is an incredible privilege to be able to choose between two offices that I love. The decision to leave Students United was not easy, but I’m excited for what’s to come. It’s comforting to know that this is not a true goodbye since Students United will always be part of my life. I couldn’t be more thankful for everything this organization has given me, it has changed the trajectory of my life and I will forever love Students United because of it.

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