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  • Meg Bartlett-Chase

Welcome, Meg!

Hi folks!  

I’m Meg Bartlett-Chase, and I’m so excited to join the Students United team as the Student Leadership & Equity Coordinator. I love Minnesota, and I believe our educational spaces play such a vital role in creating inclusive and equitable change in our state.   

During my graduate studies at the University of Iowa, I found so much purpose and passion in working with undergraduate students and building spaces where students could use their voices for the social change they wanted. Specifically, I loved taking time and space to center intersectional equity in educational contexts and encourage students to find ways to do so that felt authentic to them. I can’t wait to continue that effort alongside the Students United team and all the Minnesota State Universities’ students. 

As the Student Leadership Program Coordinator, I hope to help build a program that excites, informs, and empowers students to make changes in their communities and speak out for good. I also know creating any truly inclusive program is a collaborative process, and I am thrilled to join such a thoughtful and dedicated team of people.   

Beyond my work in education and with Students United, I am passionate about creating art and reading books that makes me feel cozy, seeing all the beautiful outside spaces Minnesota has to offer, and cuddling my dog. I am also always on the lookout for great vegetarian tacos, so send those recommendations my way!  

I’m so glad to be joining this team and begin my work alongside the Minnesota State Universities’ students. Reach out to me with ideas, thoughts, and feelings about education equity in MN – I’d love to chat (!

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