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  • Memo Perez Soberanes

Welcome, Memo

Hey y’all!

My name is Memo, my pronouns are they/them/theirs (elle in Spanish), and I am privileged to serve alongside y’all. I’m excited to introduce myself and be a part of y’all’s community and strive together towards greater changes in the lives of students all around as the Student Leadership Program coordinator for Students United. 

I’ve had a string of experiences, beginning in my undergraduate at the University of Minnesota, which have helped me form my political outlook. Among them have been working for student government and advocating for immigration policy reforms at the institutional level, working with neighborhood organizations to meet the needs of the people, working to meet the needs of refugees and immigrants living in Minneapolis, and being of help where I could during the height of the Uprising. Each of these and other experiences have taught me the limitations and strengths of certain strategies towards liberation as well as imparted invaluable lessons and forged cherished relationships. 

During my undergrad, I was also co-director of the internship program for our student government. It was among the most fulfilling experiences of my life and it is what drew me to this program in addition to the unique structure of Students United compared to other non-profits, namely the centering of students and not wealthy benefactors as to who drives the work. With that and my other experiences as lessons and guidance, I hope to engage earnestly and thoughtfully with students in my role in the Student Leadership Program. My goals in mentorship and leadership are never to impose ideas onto people, but to aid them into reaching their own conclusions about their unique and our shared situation and position in this world. I believe that those who teach also learn from students, and that knowledge is shared horizontally and not mechanically imposed. I hope to help students continue to realize their full potential and that of our collective strength and to reassure them what many of them already know, that they can be change makers on their campuses and in their communities. 

Above all, my dedication is to the liberation of my people and all oppressed people around the world. My outlook is a decidedly Marxist and socialist one deeply rooted in social justice, equity, economic freedom, and in the end being able to live our lives to our fullest. I believe that the issues dealt with by many university students, and youth in general, revolve around these topics, as they face difficult financial decisions and situations as well as face the harms and violence of systemic injustice. 

Although you may catch me talking about socialism or my takes on the current local political landscape, I promise I am a much more 3D person than my politics! I have a deep love for birds and enjoy birdwatching. I am an avid fan of all things soccer and can go on and on about it too! Although I don’t consider myself the best artist, I also really enjoy playing around with painting and coloring what I see and think. I am also way too into Kpop so please talk to me about it if you are too. This is getting a bit wordy though, so I’ll leave it at that!  

I’m an open book so feel free to send me a message any time at ¡Nos vemos por allí! 

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