Federal Legislative Agenda
Federal Legislative Agenda
This year, Students United has committed to advocating on behalf of policies at the state and federal level that increase affordability, widen access to basic needs, and encourage civic engagement among students.
2025 Priorities
Preserve and Expand the Pell Grant
No qualified student should be denied a college education based on their inability to pay. In 2020, the average Pell Grant award covered approximately 26% of tuition and related fees, compared to three-quarters in 1975. Students United supports efforts to double the Pell Grant and reinstate the automatic inflation adjustment to the maximum award, ensuring sustained investment and annual increases. Finally, Pell Grant funding should be moved from discretionary allocation to mandatory funding, protecting the investment from the annual appropriations process.
Enhance Access to Net Price Calculators
The choice to pursue post-secondary education is often the first major financial decision in many students’ lives. However, determining the true cost of college before you apply is often difficult, as the data needed are often scarce or hidden on university websites. We support the bipartisan efforts of Senators Smith, Grassley, and Ernst to require net-price calculators on university websites and authorize the creation of a universal calculator that uses individualized student data to compare cost estimates from institutions across the country.
Ensure Uniformity in Financial Aid Reporting
Financial aid letters vary wildly between institutions. Without standard definitions and clear delineations between grant aid and student loans, families make financial decisions without a clear understanding of what needs to be repaid and what does not. A standardized financial aid letter would provide students and families the information they need to make informed decisions about the right school for them.
2024 Priorities
Supporting the re-authorization of the Higher Education Act: The Higher Education Act (HEA) is scheduled for re-authorization by Congress every five years. The HEA has not been updated since 2008 and failure to do so results in an outdated law which fails to meet the needs of students today. Eventually, we want to see all the topics we are advocating for in this legislative agenda included in a comprehensive re-authorization of the HEA. We believe these fundamental updates to the HEA will reduce barriers to education through additional Pell Grant funding, basic needs support for students and institutions, and improvements to student borrower relief programs.
Support for increasing the Pell Grant: The Pell Grant has been fundamental to the affordability and accessibility of higher education for students from all backgrounds. State-level disinvestment in higher education and inflation has significantly reduced the Pell Grant’s value. The current award does not meet students’ needs, leaving them in financial crisis and with basic needs insecurity. Congress needs to raise the maximum award and return the Pell’s purchasing power to its historic peak of approximately three-quarters of the cost of attending a four-year public institution. Increasing the Pell will create greater access to community colleges, technical colleges, and universities, and will allow students to enter the workforce without the burden of overwhelming student debt.
Basic Needs
TRIO Program funding: TRIO is a set of federally funded college opportunity programs that assist individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds in their pursuit of a college degree. More than 800,000 low-income, first-generation students and students with disabilities – from sixth grade through college graduation – are served by over 3,100 programs nationally. TRIO programs provide academic tutoring, personal counseling, mentoring, financial guidance, and other support necessary for educational access, retention, and completion. TRIO programs provide direct support services for students as well as relevant training for directors and staff. Providing more funding to a program that is data-proven to increase graduation rates and prepare students to enter the workforce is a worthwhile investment in the future of Minnesota and our country.
Supporting increased mental health resources: Across our seven campuses, students have resoundingly called for more resources and access to mental health support. That is why Students United is prioritizing efforts to expand the scope and scale of mental health resources across our system. Students United is calling on Congress to pass the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, which provides federal grants for youth mental health and suicide-prevention efforts, including on college campuses. Students United also supports The Enhancing Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Through Campus Planning Act, introduced by Representative Susan Wild (PA). This bill would require the U.S. Department of Education to partner with the Department of Health and Human Services to encourage colleges to create comprehensive plans to address mental health and suicide on campus.
Civic Engagement
Empowering students’ voices: Empowering students’ voices and promoting civic engagement is a priority for Students United. Ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, Students United worked closely with student-leaders, campus administrators, and the Minnesota State system office to register and turnout thousands of students to vote. Our students recognize that active participation in our democracy is a fundamental responsibility, and that is why civic engagement is a priority for Students United. In addition to our Get-Out-The-Vote efforts throughout the midterm election cycle, Students United is committed to strengthening and improving ballot access for future generations. That is why Students United is supporting the Youth Voting Rights Act. Among the bill’s provisions, this legislation would expand voter registration services on Minnesota State’s seven universities and require each institution to offer on-campus polling locations.