Why we hope you Give One on Give to the Max Day

The average student debt for a Minnesota four-year degree graduate is $31,579.

Education is a self-investment with the capacity to open doors and resources for an individual; however, this same opportunity has put many students on 20, 30, 40 year payoff plans.

To put this in better perspective, $31.579 is the equivalent to:

  • Paying for 13,158 gallons of gas at today’s cost. (For the average car this would mean refilling your tank once a week for about 21 years)
  • Putting away every cent of a full-time, minimum wage position for two years (if it wasn’t taxed).
  • Buying 39 seven-day Alaskan cruises.
  • Buying a monthly Netflix subscription for 76 years.

Again, these examples are for paying off the average Minnesota student debt cost, not the cost of a student’s entire college career, which is even higher.

To put it simply, college costs a lot.

This is why on Give to the Max Day we hope you will help us reach our goal of raising enough money to award a student a one-year full-tuition scholarship. You can sign up to be reminded here.


Giving just once can make the world of a difference for a student.

On our give page we have set up the donations at prices students are accustom to paying.

  • $10.00 for one meal
  • $27.00 for one cap and gown set
  • $77.00 for one textbook
  • $107.00 for one semester’s technology fee
  • $700.00 for one class

Donating at one of these prices provides financial relief for a student. We hope you decide to donate on Give to the Max Day. If you do, your donation will go directly into the pockets of students in the form of our Jared P. Stene Scholarship or our Penny Program.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our Director of Programs and Alumni Outreach, Carlee Diggins, at cdiggins@studentsunited.org.