Students United Strategic Planning - Phase 1


Students United officially embarks upon strategic planning this October. Students will lead this process, and the Board of Directors selected Employee Strategies, a company that specializes in strategic planning, to facilitate and manage the process. And the end of the process we will have a student-driven strategic plan that will carry Students United through 2020.

First Steps - the IDI

The first step of strategic planning will involve the Students United Leadership Team, made up of the Board Members, Voter Outreach and Campus Organizing Interns, and Staff, completing an IDI, or Intercultural Development Inventory. This half-hour survey will offer a description of how we all currently approach intercultural goals and challenges. The responses to the IDI will guide our work as our Board and students determine a three year strategic plan that will guide decisions and action plans.


  • October 28th: Leadership Team Retreat to debrief the IDI and begin the planning process
  • November 11th: All students at the Delegates Conference participate in strategic planning
  • January 4th: Leadership Team Retreat
  • February 10th: All students at the Delegates Conference participate in strategic planning
  • February 2017: Strategic Planning completed