Blog article written by Mandi Davidson - Winona State University's campus committee PR Specialist. 

photo credit: Mandi Davidson

photo credit: Mandi Davidson

What a historic election season it has been for the American people. Getting out the vote this year on the Minnesota State universities was an immense movement undertaken by not only Students United committees but in collaboration with other active organizations.

For a lot of college students, this election season was the first of their voting career, and Students United was part of the push to get the younger generation to be more involved in American democracy.

In the 2014 elections, a crippling 19.9 percent of eligible young voters took to the polls. As I’m sure you can guess, that left a substantial portion of the age group’s opinion unheard. Additionally, the millennial population matches that of the boomers, yet the millennial community is distinctly less likely to vote according to the PEW Research Center. Although we have yet to determine if our efforts made a difference in the recent statistics, our efforts were bound to have an impact regardless of the voter turn out.

In the 2012 Election, a crippling 19.9% of eligible young voters took to the polls.

Across the Minnesota State universities, all of the Students United campus committees dedicated large portions of time, in conjunction with other organizations, on September 27, National Voter Registration Day, to register students to vote. The outcome? Well, let’s just say from my experience on the Winona State Campus, we registered almost 1,000 students on that day and continued to register students during the proceeding weeks. With over a half dozen tables throughout campus, the Winona State volunteers registered nearly 1,000 voters on National Voter Registration Day alone.

Photo credit: Mandi Davidson

Photo credit: Mandi Davidson


Voting Matters. Campuses are making it easier for students to do it.

Some can argue that we’ve got it pretty good over here in America as young people, because of the privilege to use our voice how we want through voting.

Because Students United is a non-partisan organization, the mission behind the movement is to simply get students to use their voice in elections without pressuring them or advocating for a specific candidate. No agenda. No pressure. No problem.

There are so many ways to use your voice, such as volunteering or advocating to your peers. However, the least you have to do is vote and we are proud to be able to encourage others to do so, and move to make a difference through their speech.

PEW Research Center Source: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/05/16/millennials-match-baby-boomers-as-largest-generation-in-u-s-electorate-but-will-they-vote/