Our name change: how it's happening and why.

MSUSA has officially jumped ship and is now Students United. 


Our acronym for Minnesota State University Student Association (MSUSA) was confusing for students to remember and was confused with other organizations. Furthermore, saying our complete name as not an acronym is a bit of a mouth full (trying saying it five times really fast). These factors started to motivate us to look into a name change. 

Students agreed that a new name and logo could benefit the organization by having a new name that has potential to be more memorable. 

The final decision (color of our new logo) was decided by our Board of Directors in May. After this decision was made, the process started to speed up and the website, business cards, new promotional material, newsletter, and blog all began to be discussed as fair game for a major design overhaul.


Our Board of Directors picked brighter and more modern colors for the logo and we have worked hard to design our new material with this look in mind. 

Our newsletter and website were the first to change, next we will be switching our email addresses (we will be @studentsunited.org instead of @msusa.org) and all of our promotional material. 

By August, when students start their fall semester, we hope to have switched over completely to Students United with all our material. We also look forward to breaking into new social media platforms (look out for us on Instagram and Snapchat this fall).  


If you have any questions about the re-branding please contact the Director of Communications Aly Hagglund at ahagglund@msusa.org.