Five Highlights from our September Campus Committee Retreat

Students traveled down/up/across to attend our committee retreat.


1. A Little Friendly Competition: Scavenger Hunt 

On Friday night students split up in teams to find locations and landmarks listed on our Students United Scavenger Hunt list.

2. RE Initiative 

Two students, who are a part of the RE Initiative on the Winona State campus, came to present at the retreat. They discussed what the RE Initiative is and what they are doing on the Winona State campus. We are excited to partner with them this upcoming year on our sexual violence prevention issue campaign. 

3. Voter Outreach Training

We focused heavily on voter outreach at this retreat. We had a presenter from the Secretary of State's office discuss voter outreach and our Voter Outreach Intern Amanda Boss discussed our voter outreach efforts.  

4. Legislative 

Our Director of System and Government Relations, Sarah Berns, presented on Students United's work with the legislator and past successes we have had.

5. Collaboration & Connections

As this retreat is tailored to our campus committees, we encouraged cross campus collaboration and idea generation to maximize the success for all Students United committees. We thank all the students who took the time to attend our retreat and look forward to the great work these students will do this year!