Robert L. Carothers Distinguished Writers Award Recipients Announced

The Robert L. Carothers Distinguished Student Writers Award winners are announced! The Carothers Award was created to acknowledge Chancellor Carothers’ outstanding contributions to the Minnesota State University System, and to higher education in Minnesota, by providing a way to highlight the work of student writers at Minnesota’s state universities.  This endowment provides one student at each of the state universities a $500 award in the spring of each year. State Universities are responsible for the process of choosing their recipient and providing the name of their recipient to Students United. Grade point average, degree and a sample of the student's writing were all submitted. 

The 2017 Robert L. Carothers Distinguished Student Writers Award Recipients are:

minnesota state university moorhead

Mikaila Norman

Degree: Integrated English and Publishing

southwest minnesota state university

Sara J. Peterson

Degree: Professional Writing and Communication

winona state university

Katelyn (Winona).JPG

Katelyn Sather

Degree: Major in Individualized Studies, Minor in Mass Communications

metropolitan state university

Jeannn (Metro).png

Jeanna Stumpf
Degree: Major in Creative Writing, Minor in Technical Writing

minnesota state university, mankato

William (Mankato).jpg

William M. Clark

Degree: BS Technical Communication

st. cloud state university

Kali Berg

Degree: Philosophy