One Board Four Objectives


Last Saturday was the first meeting date of the 2017-2018 board. I was tremendously pleased to see that all seven board directors were in attendance. The meeting was productive and lasted several hours. 

One of the great accomplishments of that board meeting was that our wonderful directors came up with four clear-cut objectives to accomplish before the end of the academic year as a board. 

The objectives are as follows:

1. Follow the Board of Director agreement signed during the August board meeting

2. Ensure that all seven university presidents sign the carbon commitment (more info here)

3. Lobby for the Minnesota State System to establish a clear, concise and equitable affirmative consent policy

4. Create a strategic textbook affordability plan on each campus

Our delegates from the seven universities have produced hundreds of motions and stances on several topics that affect students over the past few years. The year 2017-2018 is a year of action. I am confident we will be able to accomplish our four objectives this year and create a profound impact on higher education in Minnesota. I am proud of the level of discipline, rationality and vision this year's board has shown and I optimistic for the future of Students United. 

With great Students United pride,

Faiçal Rayani