Signing on to the Importance of the Pell Grant

Students United signed on to a letter with over 70 other organizations. The letter detailed the importance of the Pell Grant to the students who are currently receiving it and as a tool to make higher education more accessible. The letter is addressed to Senators Roy Blunt and Patty Murray, who are respectively the Chairman and ranking member of the Senate Appropriations Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Subcommittee. 

"we urge you to invest them in the Pell Grant by increasing the maximum award by an amount at least equal to what would be provided with an inflation adjustment while ensuring that Pell Grants remain on solid fiscal footing going forward."

According to Minnesota's Office of Higher Education, nearly 20,000 of our students receive the Pell Grant, which equates to over $71 million in financial aid our students receive from the federal Pell Grant. Nationally the Pell Grant helps millions of students.

"Pell Grants help over 7.5 million students — including one-third of all White students, two-thirds of all Black students, and half of all Latino students — continue their education after high school. The vast majority of these students come from families making $40,000 or less, and the median family income of recipients has been declining over time. Yet the current maximum Pell Grant covers less than one-third of the cost of attending a four-year public college, the lowest share in more than 40 years. "

Students United's mission clearly states the importance of representing all students. Our organization also advocates for the reduction of student dependence on loan programs by increasing grant and other aid.

"Pell Grants are the foundation of our national investment in higher education, and are essential for providing low-income students the opportunity to attend and complete college, and to pursue careers in an economy that increasingly requires a postsecondary education. College graduates have higher wages and lower unemployment rates than their less educated peers, and Pell Grants are one of the keystones for growing a diverse, productive society and workforce. "

Here is the link, to read the full letter.