October Equity Update

written by | Abeer Syedah


System & Campus

Fund the American Dream[ers] Application is Live!

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Students United is proud to launch Fund the American Dream[ers] to respond to our students leaders’ desire to enact positive change in support of Minnesota State students who are impacted by changing immigration policies, specifically undocumented students. We are fundraising to provide modest emergency financial assistance to Minnesota State students whose finances have been adversely affected by recent immigration policy changes.

Donate: studentsunited.org/dreamers

Application is live! Learn more and apply: https://www.studentsunited.org/dreamers-1

Minnesota State Providing Free Summer Classes to Prep Students for College

A free, four-week summer program has enabled hundreds of underprepared students to get their remedial classes out of the way before starting college. The Minnesota State system created its Summer Scholars Academy last year with a $1 million donation from Richard Fink, former head of the uniform company G & K Services, and his wife, Beverly.

Around 12 percent of new Minnesota State students are required to take remedial classes, which cost money but don't award credit toward graduation.

Read more.

Minnesota State Waives Application Fees in October

The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system will waive application fees during October to honor College Knowledge month.

Learn more.

State & National

As Kavanaugh Allegations Widen, Elite-College Alumni Recall Harassment From Decades Past

Trigger Warning: descriptions of sexual harassment including gendered slurs.

The Chronicle details individual women’s’ experiences with the spectrum of rape culture at elite universities.

Read more.