Treasurer Feature || Meet our Treasurer David Shittu

written by | Treasurer David Shittu


Hello world!

I am David Shittu, an international student from Lagos, Nigeria. I'm in my last year as a Mathematics and Computer Science double major at Southwest Minnesota State University. I was first introduced to Students United in the spring of 2016 (then called MSUSA) when I attended the Advocacy Day trip for extra credit in a political science class I was taking at the time. Going to the Capitol, I was both amazed and impressed with the unique opportunity I had to speak directly to lawmakers about issues that both my peers and I were going through on campus. It wasn't hard to realize how much of a difference I could be a part of with Students United. I was immediately hooked by this great organization. The following fall, I became the Campus Organizing Intern on my campus and have been a part of Students United and a relentless advocator for students ever since.

I was privileged to be elected by my esteemed peers as treasurer, a feat to which I am forever humbled and grateful. As treasurer this year, I am incredibly excited about connecting with various campuses and all the opportunities that comes with that. I plan to build a strong link with the various campus committees and keep them informed every step of the way of important things I will be working on while in office.

When I'm not coding, doing homework or at work, I am most likely talking with people, playing soccer (which is my absolutely favorite thing to do) or maintaining my status as a sheer beast in FIFA19. When none of this is the case, I'm guilty of researching the next best thing to eat.
