May Equity Update

written by | Abeer Syedah


Campus & System

SCSU Events Take a Stand Against Islamophobia  

In light of a threatening event called “Punish a Muslim Day” that went viral out of the UK for promoting violence against Muslims, St. Cloud’s Social Work Department held an event in their student center focused on promoting love, acceptance, and understanding across faiths.

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SCSU Finalists for President Announced

The four finalists are Brian Johnson, former president of Tuskegee University, Daniel Shipp of the University of Nebraska Omaha, Dione Somerville from Bloomsburg University and Robbyn Wacker of the University of Northern Colorado.

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Photos: International Festival at MSU Mankato

Mankato hosted the annual International Festival meant to showcase food, performances, and other cultural displays from the many communities at MSU Mankato.

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State & National

For Thousands of Dreamers, It Has Been a Wild Ride

The New York Times details the roller-coaster timeline that Dreamers have gone through since the 2010 conversation about the Dream Act through the recent ruling that Dreamers can still apply for DACA.

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The KKK Had a Strong Presence in Southeast Minnesota, But Winona Resisted

The Winona Daily News publishes an archive story announcing the arrival of the Klan in southeast Minnesota and their attempts to expand their many chapters across the state.

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Study: Colleges That Ditch the SAT/ACT Can Enhance Diversity

With studies showing that standardized tests like the SAT/ACT are not strong indicators of a student’s performance in higher education. More data is indicating that ditching the tests, like over 1000 colleges and universities have, enhances institutional diversity.

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Metro State Student, Anisa Ahmed, Awarded Women’s Foundation Microgrant

“Mental health and sexual harassment can feel like taboo topics in the Somali culture, but Anisa Ahmed says girls and young women in that community wrestle with those issues every day. That’s why Ahmed is starting a nonprofit to tackle those issues with the help of $2,500 from the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota.”

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Asian & Pacific Islander (API) Heritage Month

May is Asian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Here are some readings about API heritage and history in Minnesota.


10 Things About Hmong Culture, Food, & Language You Probably Didn’t Know

It's been 40 years since the Hmong people first began arriving in Minnesota. Today, the state boasts the second-largest Hmong population in the nation.

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Minnesota Historian Erika Lee Shares the Story of Asian Migration to the U.S.

“Even though Minnesota author Erika Lee was a history major, she didn't know the story of Asian migration to the U.S. Now she's sharing it with others.”

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Reflections on Satveer Chaudhary, Minnesota’s First Asian-American Legislator

In 1996, Satveer Chaudhary became the first person of Asian-American descent to be elected to the Minnesota legislator. Chaudhary’s brother, Ravi, reflects on Satveer’s terms in the Minnesota House and Senate.

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