July Equity Update

written by | Abeer Syedah


System & Campus

Students United: Announcing Fund the American Dream[ers]

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Students United is proud to launch Fund the American Dream[ers] to respond to our students leaders’ desire to enact positive change in support of Minnesota State students who are impacted by changing immigration policies, specifically undocumented students. We are fundraising to provide modest emergency financial assistance to Minnesota State students whose finances have been adversely affected by recent immigration policy changes.

Learn more and donate: www.studentsunited.org/dreamers

State & National

Science, Engineering, and Medicine Panel Says How Universities Deal With Sexual Harassment Needs Sweeping Change

“Years of efforts to prevent sexual harassment in science, engineering and medicine have failed, and universities need to make sweeping changes in the way they deal with the issue, a searing new report by a national advisory panel concluded.”

Read more from the New York Times


In A Case Closely Watched by Higher Education, Supreme Court Upholds Travel Ban

An analysis published by Inside Higher Ed in early February found that the number of F student visas granted for students from the affected countries had fallen sharply, as had the number of short-term B visas, a category used by foreign scholars when they come to the U.S. for conferences. Beyond the countries that are specifically affected, many in American higher education have raised concerns about the unwelcoming message the blanket visa bans send to international students and scholars from around the world.”

Read more from Inside Higher Ed


Middlesex Community College Focuses on Asian & Pacific Islander Students

“These [southeast Asian] students have as high a risk of dropping out of college as low-income Hispanic or African-American students, researchers say. Yet colleges and policymakers often don’t realize it because Southeast Asian students’ statistics are lumped in as part of overall Asian student performance. Their problems are hidden partly because of the model minority myth that all Asians are academic superstars and flourish in high school and college.”

Read more from the New York Times


Inside Queer Students’ Fight to be Heard at Brigham Young University

“The flier was bright, with words splashed across a rainbow background. It advertised a panel on LGBTQ issues at Brigham Young University — the first-ever university-sanctioned event on the topic. But...”

Read more from the Chronicle