Thank you - Give to the Max 2019

written by || Christina DeVries; Director of Development

On behalf of Students United thank you for your United2Give donations! This year our United2Give Give to the Max Day campaign was the most successful to date. We raised $3,005, which doubled our 2018 Give to the Max Day giving! Our Scholarship and Alumni Board generously provided a $650 matching grant, which allowed many donors to double their gift. Your generosity will support students like Rahil, Leticia, Ben, Linh, Muna, Elijah, Emily, Leticia, and Laura.  

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This year we focused on raising money to support scholarships where needed across the seven Students United funds. We know scholarships lower the costs of earning a degree and support higher education affordability. When we back students financially, they invest in their studies and passions, which we believe can benefit our whole community.  At Students United, our vision of advocacy includes a higher education that is affordable and provides students with the tools to be successful on campus and after graduation. 


Thank you!  

If you are interested in continuing to support the scholarship and fundraising efforts of Students United, check out our Giving Cohort or Development Internship opportunity.