Dir. of Government Relations Sarah Berns | Farewell

written by | Sarah Berns

I starting working for Students United nearly 5 years ago, but it wasn’t my first experience with all the incredible work this organization does. I was first introduced to Students United, then MSUSA, as a senior at Southwest Minnesota State University. I attended multiple conferences and served as a delegate. It has been such a pleasure to tap back into the excitement passion from my previous experience to expand my professional work.


My favorite part of this job has been working with students to plan and participate in our two biggest advocacy events each year. Our annual Advocacy Day at the state capitol and our annual Washington, D.C. Advocacy Trip have consistently been the most challenging and most rewarding aspects of this job. I have always believed that students are their own best advocates. They can speak about their experiences better than anyone else. Playing a part in creating opportunities for students to meet with legislators to advocate on issues that affect them, has been the most rewarding part of this experience. I love the energy I get from students who are excited to advocate for important higher education issues. I’m excited to see how the students continue to grow and expand their advocacy program.

My new role will be with Minnesota State Colleges and Universities as their Director of Federal Government Relations and Advocacy. I’m looking forward to continue advocating on behalf of this system and its incredible students.