Vice Chair Feature || Meet Sandra Shimba

Written By | Sandra Shimba


My name is Sandra Shimba I am a senior at Southwest Minnesota State University, and I am majoring in Community Psychology and Health Promotion. I am originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and my home is in Houston,TX. 

When I transferred to SMSU, I wanted to serve my fellow students, but I wasn’t really sure in what way, that is when a friend who was on the campus committee asked me to help out with the National Voter Registration Day. I was then invited to a campus committee meeting. It was only after attending the November delegates conference and witnessing all the dynamics that take place during delegates, that I was convinced that I wanted to be involved in Students United. I was sure that students United was a place where could I server other students but also where I wanted to grow. I then moved on to become Legislative Specialist the following semester and Campus Coordinator the following year (2018-2019). Meanwhile on campus I joined the Student government and quickly got involved with different Senate committees, ad-hoc committees, and all-university committees, in order to bring my voice, students, and staff voices to the table.  


Outside of Students United, I really enjoy traveling and discovering new places with my friends and family, singing and baking. Every ounce in a while I like to try out a new cake or desert recipe! I also enjoy learning songs in other languages, because I like the way other languages give more depth and meaning to a word or sentence. Fun fact I speak 4 languages fluently: French, English, Swahili and Lingala.  

I am really excited to have been elected to serve as Students United’s State Vice Chair and look forward to meeting and unifying students from all across the system to make our voices heard and be able to build and bring more change into our educational system. “What we have is good, but we can do better!” I really look forward in working with students, staff, Minnesota state system. 
