Letter to the System Office Regarding COVID-19 Plan

Below is a statement sent by State Chair Abimbola to the Chancellor.

To Chancellor Malhotra and team, 

We thank you for your vigilance in monitoring the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on our MinnState community. We have reviewed Board Policy 1A.10 and System Procedure 1A.10.1 and are glad to see these guidelines are in place in case of an emergency declaration. In the event that the Minnesota State System has to update the response plan rapidly (which we understand may make collaboration more difficult) we want to provide some questions and factors for consideration should remote/off-campus instruction and operations become fully or partially expected and/or necessary.  

  1. Should some on-campus instruction continue, is there an option to request that faculty and instructors adjust attendance requirements so students displaying symptoms feel fully encouraged to stay home and away from others? 

    1. Can we also ensure that students are not being required to provide a doctor’s notes in order to miss classes? This ensures the greatest quarantining of illness without negatively impacting the capacity of local medical providers or forcing undue medical bills. We believe this expectation should be the norm. 

  2. Can we ensure on-campus housing remains open and establish a health and safety plan? 

  3. If all instruction must be online/off-campus, can housing options, such as emergency housing in residence halls, be provided for students experiencing homelessness? 

  4. How can we best navigate the needs of students dependent on work-study income? 

  5. What capacity is necessary to meet the needs of international students, including those dependent on CPT and OPT? 

  6. Can International Services Offices provide guidance to ensure international and exchange students’ instruction continues without disruptions to their status, including through the summer? 

  7. Can on-campus dining options, such as dining halls, develop a system for continuing to provide meals while also protecting the workers’ health? 

  8. Can emergency aid be made available? 

  9. Will students with university-sponsored insurance still be able to access benefits off-campus, including if their home is out-of-state? 

  10. Can essential on-campus services stay open while also protecting the workers’ health? 

  11. What steps can be taken to ensure the accessibility of online instruction to all students and faculty? 

We thank you for prioritizing the health and safety of all MinnState community members and thank you for your consideration of these factors in advance. 

Warm regards, 

Ola Abimbola, State Chair