2020-2021 Treasurer Candidates

Meet the Treasurer Candidates

The Treasurer election will take place later this summer by a student board appointed by our Board of Directors. The date of the election has not been determined yet.

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Pierre Young

I am highly interested of the Students United Treasurer position. I have gained leadership experience in the past five years of higher education by getting involved into different outreach and service organizations. I served on the Saint Paul College Student Senate as the Marketing and Events Coordinator and an Outreach Ambassador in the Student Ambassador program.

This year I am enrolled in a second service term as an AmeriCorps Community Technology Empowerment Member at Metropolitan State University as I offer my services with digital literacy skills workshops covering the basics of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel. I believe in the Treasurer position I will work my skills around using Excel by handling the estimates of Minnesota State universities budgets. I am also the Public Relations Director Officer of MSUSA with my school President Hamisha Alkamooneh who is also on the board of directors in Students United. Hamisha has inspired me to become a great leader like her and its in my best asset to be supportive in changes in the school system and making new connections.

I appreciate my time to write this letter of intent and hope to hear good news in the next coming weeks! If you have any other questions feel free to reach out!

Thank you for your time!

Sincerely, Pierre Young

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Victor Ayemobuwa

Students United!!! 

The inclusive voice for all future, current, and former students. We actively work to represent and support Minnesota State University students and advocate at a campus, state, and federal level for higher education policies that make a positive impact for our students and communities. Till date this mission statement still resonates with me, which I why I became a part of this vast team. 

 I Joined student United way back in 2016, students and I can laughably say I was a clueless rookie with no advocacy experience and for the past four years all that has happened is growth. The biggest achievement I’ll say I have been a part of will be the Mustang Food Pantry now on the Southwest Minnesota State University. To be able do more and grow more in advocacy is my biggest reason for joining Student United. The reason for applying for this position is to be able show student how much I am willing to do in in terms of developments, grants and assisting the board of directors and staffs in the using student money for student’s improvement. 

When it comes to Advocacy there is still a lot to learn. How can I help? How do I Speak up? How do I connect with my peers, what do student need?  These are questions that drives me to pick up this application. 

My Name is Victor Buwa (Ayemobuwa) and my goal is to be an advocate for student no matter the position I find myself. In this case Treasurer, After going through Article 7 Section 4 of our bylaws: I saw my experience fits the job description and I plan on representing all   our students and the board’s interests in many capacities from presenting our budget to meeting with leaders on university campuses.