internship update: Justice Policy Analyst

By AbdulRahmane Abdul-Aziz

Abdul-Aziz Abdulrahmane.jpg

I am a second-year graduate student pursuing a Master of Science in Sociology at Minnesota State University, Mankato with an emphasis on Criminology. I am eagerly looking forward to graduating from Minnesota State University, Mankato in spring 2021. I have had many wonderful opportunities to grow and learn as a leader, these opportunities include being a student trustee on the Minnesota State Board of Trustees and as a board member with Students United. I have also had the honor of working in the Governor’s office, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Employment and Economic Development, Region Nine Development Commission, and both the Hennepin and Ramsey County’s.  In my spare time, I love to go to the gym and contrary to this equally love staying inside all day. I also enjoy hanging out with friends, eating sushi whenever possible, and writing poetry.   

This Summer I have had the pleasure of being a Justice Policy Analyst under my mentor the Justice Transformation Team’s Senior Policy Analyst lead and am hosted within the Ramsey County Manager’s Office. The projects I have engaged in have ranged from working with bail reform workgroups, discussing pretrial alternatives, attending the criminal justice coordinating council meetings, and collaborating with justice partners such as the elected officials, the county attorney’s office, and various law enforcement agencies. With the massive Criminal Justice Reform movement happening, I am excited that I get to help shape real policies that will undoubtedly impact the lives in my community. Most importantly, I learned that to move a system as vast as the Criminal Justice System we need every voice at the table. Lack of representation will only result in the same values that perpetuate policies that lead to the disproportionate apprehension and incarceration of black and brown bodies. This further inspires my commitment to attend law school and later become the County Attorney and focus on reshaping prosecutions. This internship has helped me pinpoint where I can make the most change within the system and valuable experience for the future.  

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