Passion and Energy - Campus Visits Blog #2

Written By || Sandra Shimba; Vice Chair


During the fall semester, our state and vice chair traveled across Minnesota to visit each of our universities. They’ve divided a summary of their visits into two blogs authored by each of them. Here is the second half, written by our vice chair, Sandra Shimba.


Below are a few highlights from Minnesota State University, Mankato, Metropolitan State University, and Minnesota State University Moorhead:


Being a Maverick means taking part in creating opportunities where talents, interests and passion come into action. At Minnesota State University Mankato, students are led to get as involved as possible which creates a very special experience. This institution works very hard to promote a campus-wide, cross-cultural understanding and appreciation of differences with on-campus services such as the OASIS (Opportunity Access Success Intercultural Services). The school never misses an opportunity to recognize and appreciate their students. Testimonies and pictures fill the walls including a special wall dedicated to all previous student body presidents. MSU Mankato truly gives the students' team spirit and the experience of becoming a leader.


The motto of Metropolitan State University is to teach students how to be actively engaged with the community. The school and the students are all about giving back and helping the students in need. Awesome and inclusive programs such as the Voters Registration program get students and people in the community register to vote. Not having an on-campus housing system that provides students with the traditional college experience does not set them back in any way, they make up for it many ways. The facilities are welcoming with a modern touch and the David Barton Community Labyrinth, which is very fun to experience, and the campus location gives an amazing view of the city of St Paul. Also, it was surprising but interesting to know that our very own Chancellor Malhotra was president of Metropolitan State University for two years.



Minnesota State University Moorhead, home of the dragons. I have had the chance to visit the campus twice in recent years and I am always so eager to do so. Having the city of Fargo on the other side of the river gives the students a wonderful college experience in a metropolitan area. They offer a diversity of clubs and organizations such as the Dragon Leadership Program (DLP) where students get the opportunity to develop their leadership skills. As they say: “At MSUM, the college experience is not one size fits all” Being warmly welcome and recognized around campus showed how much they care about Students United and the work we do. I very much enjoyed the passion and energy of their student senate. The energy they gave while Chair Abimbola led the chant was unique.