Welcome, Ben!

BY Ben Reimler [he/him] | Director of Government Relations

I am excited to announce that I will be joining Students United as the organization’s Director of Government Relations. As an alumni of the Minnesota State system, I am eager to work on behalf of the thousands of students that are pursuing their passions and readying themselves as the next generation of leaders and advocates.

The last two years have been difficult for us all, and the student experience has been no exception. In the face of compounding crises, students have remained resilient and engaged. I am honored to work on their behalf for a higher education system that’s affordable, accessible, and values each student individually.

Advancing these priorities is only possible because of students’ enthusiasm and the shared commitment with Students United’s partners. In the months ahead, I look forward to strengthening those existing partnerships, building new relationships and coalitions, and advocating on behalf of students’ interests. I’d welcome any opportunity to collaborate on behalf of students. You can send me an email at breimler@studentsunited.org, give me a call at 608-397-6501, or join us in person for our 55th Celebration this fall on September 8th, 2022. We would love to see you there! If you are able, we would also greatly appreciate your support for this critical work, and donations of any size are welcome. Gifts can be made here.

I am thrilled to take on this challenge. Reach out anytime!