10 Reasons Why Students United Matters

written by | Cailey Birchem (PR Specialist from Bemidji State University)

Some people have heard of Students United on their campus, and some people have no idea what it is. Students United is a crutial player in decision making in the state of Minnesota. Read on if you want to learn what makes us important to the every day college student.

  1. Representation: We are always thinking and acting in ways to support Minnesota State university students. Members support positive legislation at the state and federal level, and that represents the students on Minnesota State campuses as a whole.
  2. Informing: Students United listens to students needs and broaden the resources to foster improvement in the Minnesota systems.
  3. Discussion: Communication between students and lawmakers is extremely important when trying to benft the students on campus. We build meaningful, strong relationships that have an effective impact between students and higher education’s leaders.
  4. Inclusive: Students United works to represent and support Minnesta State university students as one. There is more power in many, than there is in one.
  5. Advocate: Making changes that impact something bigger than you are is extremely diffcult alone; however, with the help of Students United, you can make yourself heard and be an advocate for many and make a change on many campuses.
  6. Future: We believe that students should lead the conversation on higher education because it primarily effects their's, yours and our future.
  7. Independent: Students United has been an independent organization since 1967, and we are recognized by Minnesota State Colleges & Universities board of trustees as a sole representive of state university students.
  8. Issues: There are many different issues that need attention on Minnesota campuses, and Students United takes time to address them such as 2017’s issue campaigns: Student Success & Wellness, Diversity & Inclusion and Affordability — all very important topics!
  9. Scholarship: We have scholarships avalible for qualifed individuals. This makes a difference in the lives of students!
  10. Involved: Students United is a great avenue to truly get things changed at the state or federal government levels and also at the Minnesota State system. We are involved in changes being made, and help keep the bad changes from happening.
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