Scholarships For BSU Students

written by | Cailey Birchem

How much more expensive has college gotten? The average annual cost of attending a four-year public college full-time — including tuition, fees, room and board — was $6,966 in 1963-64. By 2012-13, that had more than doubled to $17,474 (source).

Students on Bemidji’s campus are always talking about how they don’t have enough funds to pay for the tuition of college, and many are right, they don’t. We wanted to make the scholarships that the campus already has available more widely known.

We decided to pull all of these scholarships together into one spot, since originally they all have different links and can get confusing to fnd. Students tend to like things to be readily available to them, and this was our way to cater to this using our already accessible tool: the Students United blog.

We felt the need to make the word known by tabling on our campus at Lakeside in the Hobson Memorial Union. Another more visual tactic we used was designing posters that students could relate to, with the headline of “need some cash?” With a Students United themed look.

Below we have a list of the scholarships and their due dates. Some are due as soon as February 1st:

Undergraduate Scholarships -Due Feb 1st

American Indian Resources Center Scholarships -Due April 15th

Nursing scholarship- Due Feb 15th

Biology Scholarships- Due Feb 15th

Music Scholarship -Audition dates are Feb 16th & 17th

English Scholarships -Due March 10th

Technology, Art & Design Scholarships

Psychology Scholarships

Students United Scholarships -Due April 1st

Several scholarships are not awarded because students don’t have the knowledge of them being

there. We hope as a group of advocates to help our students in any way possible and make college more affordable for them.