Students United Talent Exchange Internship Program  

written by | Dave Kornecki

We are excited about our partnership with Students United and the opportunity we have to help students and alumni find a rewarding internship or job. Together, we recently launched the Students United Talent Exchange (SUTE). This tool uses sophisticated matching algorithms to connect students to employers based on skills, interests and job requirements. Using occupation specific questions, the platform systematically matches students with opportunities that are a great fit, connecting them to meaningful internships and employment. When a student is matched with an opportunity on Students United Talent Exchange, they are only 1 of 7 other people to get matched to that opportunity. This gives students a competitive advantage to get a job or internship as opposed to being one of thousands of people to receive an email other platforms would send out.

A key component of our effort to bring greater awareness to SUTE is working closely with Student Ambassadors to engage and work with students, faculty and career service professionals on six campuses. They are trained on how to help students get started, be able to answer any questions that may come up, and they can be found throughout campus talking about the benefits of this statewide initiative. One of those benefits is that both students and employers can find each other instantly on SUTE instead of having to go down the rabbit hole of searching hundreds of job boards and company websites for internships and jobs.

Here are our 6 Student Ambassadors for the Students United Talent Exchange:

Marisa Johnson at Bemidji State University
Kridish Uprety at Saint Cloud State University
Najma Abdilahi at Minnesota State University, Mankato
Ozioma Akhidenor at Minnesota State University Moorhead
Victor Adewale at Southwest Minnesota State University
Sarah Ortega at Winona State University

As our Student Ambassadors engage students on campus, there is a team working hard to bring this platform to industry associations, chambers of commerce and employers across Minnesota to post internships and jobs. It is exciting to see that we have partners near every campus as well as various cities across Minnesota. So, whether or not students are looking for opportunities near campus or their hometown, they can use Students United Talent Exchange for both. That’s the goal and we are dedicated to delivering that. 

Thank you to the leadership and staff at Students United for seeing the benefits that this partnership can bring to students and alumni. We look forward to seeing students registering on SUTE, connecting with our Student Ambassadors on campus, and most importantly, getting an internship or job that launches their careers.

Dave Kornecki
Affiliate Partner Engagement Specialist
(612) 868-7545