November Equity Update

written by | Abeer Syedah


System & Campus

Fund the American Dream[ers] Application is Live!

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Students United is proud to launch Fund the American Dream[ers] to respond to our students leaders’ desire to enact positive change in support of Minnesota State students who are impacted by changing immigration policies, specifically undocumented students. We are fundraising to provide modest emergency financial assistance to Minnesota State students whose finances have been adversely affected by recent immigration policy changes.


Application is live! Learn more and apply:

St. Cloud State Honors First Black Graduate

St. Cloud State University will name a building that houses the departments of English, Political Science and Ethnic and Women’s Studies after its first Black graduate Ruby Cora Webster. Read more about her incredible story.

Winona Gym Dress Code Faces Backlash

Attire guidelines for the fitness center at Winona State University causes backlash after being perceived as body policing. Read more.

Tensions at Moorhead Over Rumors of Shutting Down Cultural Studies

“On Monday, Sept. 24th, a banner hung in Maclean hall read “R.I.P AMCS, Cause of Death: Campus Neglect.” The banner and a written statement were outside of the Women and Gender Studies department door. Kandace Creel Falcón, professor of Women and Gender Studies, said the “open-letter” was hung to start a conversation about the importance of ethnic studies on campus. The banner was in response to rumors that the American Multi-Cultural Studies (AMCS) department was to be shut down.”

Read more.

State & National

Does Harvard Admissions Discriminate? The Lawsuit on Affirmative Action, Explained

A complicated story about the admissions standards at Harvard, the model minority myth, anti-blackness, and affirmative action.

Read more.

UNC Chancellor Apologizes for History of Slavery at Chapel Hill

After the toppling of the Silent Sam confederate statue, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill acknowledges the legacy of the enslaved people who built the institution and how slavery impacted the growth of UNC. Read more.