Meet our System & Campus Liaison | Devin Smith

written by | Devin Smith

A photo of me (middle) as a wee lad at a riveting delegates conference.

A photo of me (middle) as a wee lad at a riveting delegates conference.

Greetings one and all,

My name is Devin Smith, and I will be serving as the System and Campus Liaison for Students United this year. I am very happy to have been selected to work with you all!

I was born and raised in Lakeville, Minnesota, where I attended Lakeville North High School, and I completed my undergraduate studies at St. Cloud State. Upon entering college, I intended to major in psychology, but a computer science course that I took as an elective piqued my interest, so I switched my intended major to computer science. Thus began a tumultuous trek of hopping from one area of study to another, accumulating credits across several disciplines. Eventually, I took a communication studies class which gripped me, and I decided to focus on rhetoric in communication studies. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in elective studies with an emphasis in communication studies in 2017.

During my time at SCSU, I became heavily involved with the student government. I began as a justice on the judicial committee, and moved into the position of chief justice the next semester. After being chief justice, I was appointed as the chair of the constitution committee, and, later yet, appointed chair of the elections committee. My involvement with the student government led me to my involvement with students united, as I am sure is a common case for many in the organization. I attended eight delegates conferences as one of SCSU’s delegates, two of which I was also on SCSU’s Students United campus committee.

An action shot of a Warhammer 40k match, in which I was obliterated in spectacular fashion.

An action shot of a Warhammer 40k match, in which I was obliterated in spectacular fashion.

My hobbies include a variety of nerdy things, the most prominent of which are Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer 40k, and computer and board gaming. Myself and some friends have been meeting weekly for roughly two years now to play D&D together, which could also be called “weekly creative team-building exercises” if one were to be so generous. Some of my other hobbies include film, television, and reading. As far as television goes, I believe that season two of the AMC series “Fargo” is as good as TV gets. I am also interested in government and policy, though I do not consider them hobbies, as they lack a certain element of fun and whimsy, an indispensable element of hobbies. 

I have enjoyed working with students united and all of the student delegates across Minnesota in the past, and the stars say that we have a fantastic year ahead of us. I very much look forward to working with you all. If you would ever like to reach out to me, send me an email at



Devin Smith