August Equity Update

written by | Abeer Syedah


System & Campus

Share & Donate: Fund the American Dream[ers]!

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Students United is proud to launch Fund the American Dream[ers] to respond to our students leaders’ desire to enact positive change in support of Minnesota State students who are impacted by changing immigration policies, specifically undocumented students. We are fundraising to provide modest emergency financial assistance to Minnesota State students whose finances have been adversely affected by recent immigration policy changes.

Learn more and donate:

State & National

New Study Finds That Trans Students Want Comfort on Campus Beyond Bathrooms

“A new study finds that while the proper restrooms are important to transgender students, they want much more to feel comfortable on their campuses.”

Read more on Inside Higher Ed


Immigration Battle Rattles Community Colleges

Higher education institutions are grappling with how to support undocumented students in their system. Community colleges in California have been a national example.

Read more on the New York Times


UNC Chapel Hill and the Fate of a Confederate Statue

“The fate of Silent Sam, a statue of a nondescript Confederate soldier, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has been the subject of debate for years, and the debate has been especially intense in the last year. On Friday the UNC Board of Governors announced it has no plans to remove the statue, pushing the decision into the lap of the North Carolina Historical Commission.”

Read more on Inside Higher Ed