Farewell from Intern Will Claussen

written by | Will Claussen


Just as summer turns to Autumn, my time with Students United has come to an end. It’s time for me to gather all of my experiences and everything I’ve learned and head back to school for my senior year. It has been an absolute honor and blessing to have this internship in my life. It’s not something I can exactly put into words, but this blog is an attempt to highlight some of my biggest take-aways.

First off, I want to thank and acknowledge the value that education has on my life. Having a quality education is a privilege that I have continued to value and appreciate. This opportunity gave me a better perspective on the value that education will have on my future and the generations to come.

I’d like to thank all the generous and kind donors I encountered throughout my internship. It’s always reassuring and uplifting to see such generosity and kindness displayed through so many individuals I got the pleasure of meeting this summer. I made connections that I will value for years to come.

I will dearly miss my colleagues that I had the pleasure of working and enjoying my time with. Elsbeth, Kalista, Abeer, Aly, Sarah, Lexi, and Facial I look up to all of you and am proud to call you my friends. I wish the absolute best for you and all of your future endeavors.  

The biggest thank you goes out to Carlee Diggins. Carlee was my manager but naturally took on an additional more supportive role of being a mentor of mine. She taught me many things, but more importantly she lead me to push myself to improve. I will never forget this opportunity she has granted me.

Thank you Students United. This summer was the best experience a kid could possibly ask for. I learned, I grew, and I laughed. I made friends, memories, and meaningful connections for my future. I’ll forever be supportive of Students United and the betterment of future education.