Promise Grant || Promising a Better Future

written by | Aly Hagglund


the launch

On February 13th, Students United joined LeadMN, MN Youth Collective and legislators to introduce the Promise Grant that would make college affordable for low-income and middle-class families by providing two years of free tuition at Minnesota’s public colleges or universities. 

The legislation is modeled after promise programs in other states. The results of these programs have increased enrollment and completion rates of college degrees. By next year, three out of four jobs in Minnesota will require a post high school degree. Minnesota is 440,057 postsecondary degrees short of that benchmark, which will send businesses elsewhere because they cannot find the workforce they need to compete.

"We are allowing students to live in poverty throughout their education, telling them a degree is their access point to financial mobility, only to have them graduate into a lifetime of student debt." State Chair Shelley

See the full press release here.


On March 14th, Vice Chair Norris-Holliday testified in front of the MN Senate Higher Education Finance and Policy Committee. Students United, LeadMN, and Minnesota Youth Collective collaborated on the Promise Grant (SF 1308), an initiative that would provide students with additional grant money from the state. SF 1308, has been introduced to the committee and is currently awaiting debate/vote. We will provide updates, as progress, on this bill is made.

For progress on the bill click here.


Day at the Capitol

Students United will join LeadMN on Thursday, April 4th to advocate on this legislation. We will be speaking directly with legislators and also attending a press conference. If you are interested in participating, please reach out to Students United's  Director of Communications Aly Hagglund at