Welcome, Andrew!

By Andrew Trenne (he/him), Legislative Intern

Name, pronouns, and position:

My name is Andrew Trenne (He/Him), and I'm the legislative intern at Students United. 

What he’s looking forward to:

I am looking forward to seeing the work Students United does daily for our students! While I have seen it from a higher level, I always wanted to participate in advocacy work from a different place in the organization, so working with our amazing staff will be a great experience for me! I am also looking forward to advocacy day and seeing our students bring their voices directly to the capital, which I always felt the most power as a student and really learned how to be an advocate. I hope to help our students get a similar experience that I did! 

What university he attends:

I am currently a graduate student at Metropolitan State University pursuing my master's in advocacy and Political Leadership (MAPL). 

More about Andrew:

I grew up in Chaska, Minnesota, and received my undergraduate education from Minnesota State University, Mankato graduating in spring 2021. I also had the opportunity to serve on the 2020-2021 Board of Directors for Students United and the Student Body President at Minnesota State University, Mankato. Through those two positions, I had the opportunity to see just how powerful and impactful Students United is and all the work it does for our students, both current, former, and future! 

Outside of my professional life, I enjoy playing video games, going on hikes, and watching lots of movies and tv shows in my spare time! A fun fact about myself is that I ironically have three cats and a dog, and I am also allergic to all of them!